What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is any action taken to protect young people and vulnerable adults from maltreatment. To report a safeguarding concern is to respond to allegations or suspicions regarding a young person's or vulnerable adult's safety or welfare.

Who should fill in this form?

It should be completed by any volunteer, staff member at a partner organisation, parent/guardian, or young person who has a safeguarding concern that directly relates to a Raspberry Pi Foundation programme, activity, or event.

Anyone involved in a volunteer-led activity (e.g. Code Club/CoderDojo/Raspberry Jam) should first report any concerns directly to the member of management at the host venue (e.g. school) who is responsible for investigating safeguarding concerns, before then completing this form and sending it to the appropriate safeguarding lead at the Foundation.

Host venue staff as well as people involved in Foundation-led activities and/or events should also use this form to report their concerns to the appropriate safeguarding lead at the Foundation.

Please submit this form to your designated safeguarding lead as soon as possible following the emergence of any safeguarding concern.

Any personal data that you share with us will be stored safely, in compliance with our data protection policy.

Raspberry Pi Foundation designated safeguarding leads

Trustee Safeguarding Lead (TSL): Charles Leadbeater
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Zoë Kinstone, zoe.kinstone@raspberrypi.org

Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs)

Code Club: Tamasin Greenough Graham, tamasin.g.graham@raspberrypi.org
CoderDojo: John McAtominey, john.mcatominey@raspberrypi.org
Clubs Global Partners:  Sonja Bienert, sonja@raspberrypi.org
Youth Partnerships: Fergus Kirkpatrick, fergus.kirkpatrick@raspberrypi.org
Events: Helen Drury, helen.drury@raspberrypi.org
Educational Team: Marc Scott, marc@raspberrypi.org
Operations: Andrew Morton, andrew.morton@raspberrypi.org
People and Culture: Darren Cross, darren.cross@raspberrypi.org
RPF India: Mamta Manaktala, mamta.manaktala@raspberrypi.org
Digital Products: Laura Kirsop, laura.kirsop@raspberrypi.org

If your concern is urgent, you can also contact us via our safeguarding number, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

UK: +44 (0) 800 1337 112 (Freephone)
Outside of the UK: +44 (0) 203 6377 112 (local charges apply)
Please provide your details in case we need to contact you.
In order to enable us to follow up any concerns raised it is important for us to be able to contact you. For this reason we ask you to provide your contact details below.

We understand that you may wish to report anonymously. We will treat anonymous reports seriously but please note that it may be difficult for us to investigate further if you do not provide any contact details.


Please provide: